Sunday, March 8, 2009


In some ways, I've been able to settle back into life in the US without any problems. In fact, I was honestly expecting quite a bit more of culture shock than I've actually experienced. While this is a delightful surprise, I find myself in an interesting place.

For those who don't know, this next season of my life is going to be just as exciting as the past. It's just going to look a lot different. Instead of living overseas, I have the opportunity to inspire, pray with, encourage and equip others to go. Back to short-term status, it doesn't look like I will be living overseas anytime soon "long-term".

This is a time when in between making phone calls, organizing events for college students regarding missions, traveling to said events, and that sort of thing, I have the added bonus of being close to home and hopefully jumping into life with my brothers and sisters and parents, aunts and uncles from time to time. It's actually been almost 7 years since I've lived in the area or stayed longer than a few months to see partners. So, this is where my biggest adjustment is taking place. In some ways, I will always feel as though I 'fit in' here. It's my family, it's my roots, it's the place I called home growing up. On the other hand, I don't 'fit' here at all. I can't describe it but I guess it's a lot like feeling you're a foreigner in your own home. Things - although familiar - also seem like a distant memory or like an outfit you've had in your closet since childhood that no longer fits in all the right places.

I'm sure it will be fine. I'm enjoying the journey and I'm trusting God to lead me through this time in my life. Part of the very reason I came back from Budapest was to be near family. This has it's benefits and drawbacks, mostly they are benefits and I'm thankful for a very strong family support system.


I've been able to get into a workout schedule, which I'm excited about and have definitely set my sights on an event the end of May. I still hope to get a half marathon in sometime this year but as for now, I'm still working on miles.

I finally got a new pair of running shoes and I can't tell you how incredible that feels! I felt I was flying on my run a few days ago. I'm actually about to go for another one right now.

Hope your Sunday is terrific!



  1. I'm glad you are settling in. I hope you feel like you "fit in" soon. Good luck with your half-marathon training and enjoy the new shoes. :)

  2. How exciting! what shoes did you get?

    I know how you feel about coming home. I recently saw the 'Curious case of Benjamin Button' and there was a dialogue in that movie where Brad Pitt had returned home after a long absence and he said:

    “It's a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realize what’s changed, is you.”

    I thought that was so apt.

  3. Definitely! I loved that movie too. very good stuff and so true.

    I ended up with a pair of Nikes and I'm thoroughly loving them!
