Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just living life

Today I kept good on a promise I made to my nieces and nephews and took them to Wild Island before the summer ended. I had been promising to take them and really wanted to, but time flew away from me but fortunately I was able to make it work today, just before the end of summer! haha!

It was really nice that James came along. We had fun but that responsibility thing always come on me and I feel like a mamma whose keeping her eye on her cubs. Also, I don't know what they are capable of doing on their own and have to do the crash course to find out while we're together.

For example, the girls said that Isaiah could do the green slide because he was big enough so we went together. When we got up there, I realized rather quickly that there was no way I was letting him go down on a single intertube. He would of freaked or flipped. A dad saw my consternation and offered to give me the double tube that he and his 9 year old daughter were going to go on. I was soooo grateful! We had a blast going down but I realized he's still too small to go down on his own. Had to figure it out on my own. Isaiah had some stumble, fumble and bumble moments today...poor lil' guy - running across some of the white chairs, he fell between them and bruised his hip and scraped his knuckles. Yeah, I know he shouldn't have been running across them. But before you can catch him doing it, it's already done. Later he tripped coming back from our walk to Baskin Robbins and scraped an elbow.

But overall we survived and had a great time! We came home when the park closed at 7 pm and I made dinner and we hung out for a few hours. James is a good man to be so chill about it all. We had fun. :)


  1. thank you sister for giving a wonderful night out. you are so great. i love you and am extremely grateful for you. thanks for watching isaiah for me this week.
    you are going to be a great momma some day.

  2. thanks sissy. I surely hope so. I will have learned from the best. You, Gina and mom are stellar in my book. Luv ya.
