Sunday, July 14, 2013

At War With My Vices

"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better (wo)man." Benjamin Franklin

You know when you pick up a book and the writing style of the author is so similar to your voice in your head that you wonder if you wrote it - except you haven't experienced what's being written at the same level or depth, so you know it's not you.....??
That's what's happening while reading Jen Hatmaker's "7". To say it's been an easy read is misleading. More like I've jumped right in, tears and all because I see what I'm facing. My vices have had a vice grip on me but I'm loosening their power. The biggest vices are not simple but intertwined like a thread through a canvas quilt. To consider the waste in my life and do something about it requires a war cry.

While messing with my world, it's also exactly what I needed to read - reminders to simplify, to reduce, to take the low road and to be vigilant in it - for the rest of my life.

Looking at  just how privileged I am here in the United States with not much thought to others in a writing style that sounds like my voice to me has been a much needed kick in the arse!!

And today I'm frustrated with myself. The thing I say I want most - the thing that at other times in my world has riveted me to the core - has alluded me of late. I want to be more like the one individual in the entire world whose way with people and life has been the most impacting on me this far. And yet to be more like Christ Jesus in every day gut level ways is still just so far from me. It is the hardest daily thing I've ever done and it can get frustrating at times.

You want to walk out a challenge? Take Christ's words seriously and just try and live it out. Go ahead,  I dare you. Of late, my fare has been eeking out a life through mostly careless, thoughtless days with no real regard to what the man said. How did I get here? I'm tired of it. And I'm declaring war!

This is my prayer today. Come inside my house God and bring some coals, some wood, some matches. It's cold and lonely on the inside living this way and I want to feel your warmth and live in the light of your fire. Blow through my house, go to my foundations and take out anything that's grown up alongside the good. You can use those things as fuel for this fire. I want to be washed, cleansed, changed from the inside out.  I want to reduce.

"If we are to better the future, we must disturb the present." - Catherine Booth, Cofounder of the Salvation Army.

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