Wednesday, June 15, 2011

All the days of your life....

Sometimes the best thing to do is remember "I only have today." Instead of thinking about the myriad of possibilities the future holds, hold steady both mind and heart and contemplate the reality that the essence of life is summed up in the moment.

"I only have today."

I can and will make plans for tomorrow but there are no guarantees. I can reminisce about the good old days or mourn the pain of the past, but at some point it's fruitless since I can't change a bit of it. This is the moment that counts.

As a Christ follower, my soul is strengthened by the truth that God will never leave my side. As I consider that I only have today, I realize that no matter what I feel or think, He is complete in mercy, love, power and strength so that all of who He is becomes available to me since He is by my side. He is faithful as the sun that rises in the morning and He will never give up on me. Today He is with me to call me into more of His ways and less of my own. Every day He waits to shower fresh perspective and understanding on my soul so that I'll shed my own. These are the attributes of His character that I lean into and they are more than enough FOR TODAY. What I need tomorrow will be provided.

I'm in the mix of some very exciting changes! Getting married, moving back to Reno, changing jobs, taking classes.....All of it is good. All of it is exciting. I'm blessed and holding these moments close. And this perspective that I only have today ultimately leads me to the promise God made when I was just a crazy teenager! It's about every day but it's also about all my life. God wants to be with me until my last day, my dying day, through good and bad days, through dark and bright days. So that all the days of my life are summed up in Him. But all the days must start with today.

A friend ends her voicemail recording with "Make it a great day!" I absolutely love that! Can we stop long enough in the busy lives we live to realize we just have today and we can make it a great day? Hug a little longer, read a few more nuggets for the soul from the good book, do a few things you wouldn't normally do for someone else. Love with His love. Make it a great day!


  1. Oh this is just so timely for me Missy! We just found out from the realtor that we have to be out of our house in 30 days which is crazy enough without also adding the following facts: we don't know where we 're moving because God hasn't told us, my husband is working a summer job out if town, and I can't seem to get these kids to go away. Would you happen to need five somewhat capable ushers for your wedding?  just kidding. They are not at all capable.
    I am soooooo excited for your wedding! Praying for peace and that your day won't pass in a blur. Try to remember every minute if it!

  2. thanks Shontell! Keep in touch! Are you guys moving???
