Monday, March 1, 2010


Two things took place this morning as I was reading the good book and asking for some heart issues to be resolved within. First, the words to a song started playing and really had an impact. I listened to the song about 10 times......."..Write your word upon my heart...I have no good apart from you...I keep running after broken cisterns that never satisfy....Won't you open up my soul....I wanna be with you where you are....Preserve me, Oh God"

And second, I identified a heart issue going on in me that wasn't good at all. I was reminded this morning how deadly comparisons can be. I think for women we struggle with this more than men as we are constantly bombarded with images in pop-culture of other women (that often have been photo-shopped or airbrushed) that are used to sell products in commercials. Maybe I'm the only one who struggles with this stuff.

But, this morning it was as if God, my creator, asked me....

"Really Jen? Seriously?? You are going to compare yourself to these images and people? Don't compare yourself to others. It's poisonous. It's deadly. Why don't you compare yourself to me (Jesus) because the attributes and qualities that make you genuinely beautiful are in me not these images."

Ouch. OUCH!! That hurt. And so I will be trying once again to walk this out. Of course I care about staying healthy. Yet I was reminded what the Bible says, "Charm is deceitful, beauty is fleeting...a woman who fears the Lord should be praised,". As much time as I may spend on other things to look and feel good, I can't neglect the internal side of my life because that's what's eternal, that's what's going to last!

Comparisons are like those broken cisterns that can't hold under pressure and/or run dry. Comparisons are empty and leave us feeling empty and wanting. But God's character fills us up and we're left with joy. I don't need to be focusing on comparing myself to others. That thing is cracked and deadly. I need to focus my heart and mind on the one who authors life. I need to ask him to renew and preserve me in His image. When I'm tempted to compare, I need to remember to compare myself to the qualities I love about Christ. And that settles it.

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