Thursday, January 17, 2013

A New Year of Blogging

It's been quite awhile since my last blog post. 

And it's a new year. So, time for new posts!!

When it comes to writing, the desire will always be there whether I have many readers or not, whether I have something to write about or not.

If you want to see an amazing assortment of creativity, check out my sister Noel's Blog Amazing!

Right now my life consists of a little time throughout the day to read, exercise, hang out with the hubby, and meet up with some girls from community group or with family. Most of my time, energy and life consists of being at work. Feels like it's all consuming at this time in my life. Not that I'm complaining, just explaining. I am grateful for a job at a fun company but it's not my passion. Customer service and outdoor clothing pays the bills.

What would I do if I could that would pay the bills?
 - train, inspire, encourage people to be healthy. I'd be some kind of personal trainer.
 - write short articles for magazines and newspapers and eventually write a book.
 - practice guitar and write music
 - sketch and paint until my heart was content

But I'm going to make it a point to blog again this year. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh sister I didn't even know you gave me a shout out. LOVE YOU xo
