Monday, November 14, 2011

Only way is up

Out of convenience, most of my runs in training have been around our neighborhood. Fortunately for the views, it's amazing on these runs. But unfortunately, for the training I prefer, we're surrounded by hills. It's actually really good for training, but I'm just not a big fan of the hills. The only way to get home is to take on some form of these monsters. I don't mind an occasional booty but kicker, but I'm much more prone to find flat, long stretches on my own.

Yesterday's run was convenient and I set out from home to take on a 3 mile run. Part of it included one of these hills and as I took it on, my pace came down to pretty much a slow walk. I contemplated turning around and going back down the hill just so I could enjoy the feeling of a light, easy, quick stretch of run to what I was doing. But the reality was I still had to get up that hill if I wanted to get home.

And that gets me to this point. Aren't there times in life we just have to go through things and there's no way around it? But when you get through it, or to the top of the hill, so to speak, you're home. As convenient as it may feel to just slip back into things that are easy, you're never going to get where you were intended to be unless you take on the booty but kickers.

And this brings me to another point for myself as a Christ-follower. Sometimes in the day to day events of life, it's super easy to forget the bigger picture. It's easy to forget His love and His purpose in life. When things get dark and life lacks meaning, you feel lost until you look up and put one foot in front of the other and take on the monsters in your mind and heart to get to the top where home is, where Christ is. That's a slow journey for me but I never regret it. Sometimes it's a word I read that reminds me and stirs my soul to action, giving me courage to take on the hill. Sometimes it's the encouragement of a friend whose on this journey too. And together we see the hill but we take it on.

In the end, I'm grateful for booty but kickers that keep me out of convenience and challenge me physically to get better while running. I'm also grateful for the struggles in my spiritual life as I look to Christ to perfect what He started in my heart years ago when I was just a crazy high school student. To see those victories in life and in running, the only way is up.

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