It's funny but every so often I get the idea that I want to train for longer distances on the Triathlon. There are many options, which is nice when you want to challenge yourself. But after Sunday once again I decided that I'm quite content with the Sprint distances atleast for now. I wonder if I could survive a longer distance and curiosity killed the cat, errrr, something. I'm not saying I want to do an International, Olympic, 1/2 or Ironman event right away. But I would atleast like to perfect my game on the Sprint Tri a few more times and next year look at doing the Olympic distance. MAYBE. Basically, that would mean doubling up on each event. Instead of 1/2 mile swim, it would be close to a mile; Instead of 12 mile bike, it would be 24 miles; and instead of a 3 mile run, it would be 6 miles. Somehow, I think I could do it if I trained well, but do I want to? Will I lose the joy and fun of it? Right now the Sprint distance is fun for me.
I was talking to a friend in Hawaii whose done 3 sprints, 2 olympics and a 1/2 Iron. She's debating on whether to do Ironman Australia in December. She said the thing that got her sucked into longer distances was joining a training group. I have already looked into groups in Northern Cal when I move through and they seem to have some great groups for Tri peeps and for trail running and hiking there so I'm excited about that.
Last night at Bible study, a friend of mine asked if I had anything to share from my week as far as things that stood out from scripture. I was honest that since I've returned from Hungary I feel as though everything has been wiped out of me. There really haven't been any great inspiring moments. I compared it to the latter years of many marriages I've seen, where the love and passion that was once burning has somehow become small embers on the fire. More than anything, it's a story of persevering. In that sense, I know that my love for God has matured but then I'm reminded of the scripture that says we should have that rebounding faith like a child.
A few weeks ago, I realized the state of my heart and was going to start a fast for focus and renewal. For me, fasting is a time when I purposefully choose to place additional attention on my relationship with Christ. By denying myself whatever I want when I want it, I hone in on the fact that I am a Christ-follower and I am saying that His words are my food to live by. But with the race coming up, I decided to wait until afterward before starting something.
I'm in day 2 of the fast - veggies, fruits, liquids and whole grain. So far, so good. There has been a real staying power inside and I know there are some good things coming on the other side of this time of focus and surrender.
This morning I read a devotional
talking about Galatians 5:17 and how the flesh wars against the spirit. This was a perfect way to start the day and realize that "sweet will be the victory." Victory for me in this moment will be this.
Imagine a campfire where the embers are dulled to the hues of orange and red, no flame. Now imagine fresh firewood placed ontop and a torch of fire blazing from the center of the campfire. Thats the picture of victory in my heart this morning. To be set on fire for things that really matter, the most important things, where things of this world lose their grip on my heart. God knows this is what I desire, and He can do it!