Thursday, June 24, 2010

The tongue has the power of life and death

This morning I found myself considering a truth that Christ-followers believe about God and the Universe. God's word was powerful enough to speak the world into existence. Things that were not yet formed were created out of nothing and the world as we know it was made because God spoke.

I know there are scientific facts behind this, but what caught my attention this morning as I pondered this truth is that when it all comes down to matter, substance, even our physical bodies, God spoke it into existence.

For some that might cause great consternation. For me, my soul is deeply encouraged! There's a story in the Bible of a man who wanted Jesus to heal his servant but it would have been a journey. This man had faith in God's word. He said to Jesus "Only speak the word, and my servant shall be healed."

When God speaks through His word, through His people, through the majestic sunsets and natural formations, my soul finds peace and strength too. My soul is healed. I need God to speak again and again, to infuse courage (encouragement) into my soul almost daily. The good thing is that He's always speaking. Am I listening?

If we are made in His image, then our words are powerful too, both to harm and to heal. We have the ability to bring life and courage (encouragement) to those we love through the power of what we say and don't say.

I'm a big fan of the book "The Five Love Languages," by Gary Chapman. If you've never heard of it, it basically looks at different ways people give and receive heartfelt love. The book calls out five ways that most people give and receive love - through gifts, quality time, physical touch/affection, acts of service, and words.

I know how much the words of others mean to me and when I consider that Proverbs 18;21 says our words have power to bring life or death, wow! I can't discount the power of encouragement. One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is an encouraging word. Who can you encourage today? Although everyone might be affected differently by words, there is life in your tongue. Everyone needs it.

This morning parts of Psalm 37 found its way into my soul and infused a sense of life and strength to get through the day. My favorite part this morning was verse 7 "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him;" His word strengthens, heals, guides, protects us and keeps us on a course of good things. I'm thankful this morning that He chose to speak the world into existence. I'm thankful that He speaks through His son Jesus. And I'm thankful that He speaks today and every day words of life that my soul so desperately craves.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This morning I read a devotional on Proverbs that I thought I'd share with you. I find it fascinating that scientists would look foolish if they didn't adhere to the foundational laws that govern the world. Good point. There's an integrity built into the fabric of the earth and as this author says "the universe was made for the same thing we are made for - righteousness!" Hmmmmm. I'll be chewing on that one all day!!

"For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her" (Proverbs 8:11)

"We continue with the thought that another aspect of wisdom is integrity. Both the universe and we are alien to untruth and dishonesty. The universe is made for the same thing we are made for - righteousness. Not only the face of the Lord, but the face of the universe, is set against those who try to go some other way. No scientist can get very far without integrity. If he tampers with the laws that govern the universe, then he comes out looking foolish. He must sit down before the facts of the universe, and if he is to be successful, whatever he does has to be based on a prior commitment to honor and truthfulness. Without integrity, all learning becomes evil. Charles Spurgeon wrote to the then Prime Minister of Britain, William Gladstone, in these words: "You do not know how those of us regard you who feel it a joy to live when a Prime Minister believes in righteousness. We believe in no man's infallibility but it is restful to be sure of one man's integrity." What makes us so suspicious of politicians, even though politics can be a noble profession, is not that they might make some mistakes, but that sometimes staying in office is more important to them than honor and candor. Henry Clay, when about to introduce to the American Congress a bill that was heavily weighted in favor of morality, was told, "If you do this, it will kill your chances of becoming president." His reply was, "I would rather be right than be president." I can almost see King Solomon's head nodding in favor of that.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Charles Spurgeon once wrote
"There is no light in the planet but that which proceedeth from the sun; and there is no true love to Jesus in the heart but that which cometh from the Lord Jesus himself."

It's a miracle to me that my life is turning out the way it has. One thing I know for sure. I love Him because He first showed me a kind of love unmatched by anything I'd ever imagined. And one taste of that love sends you reeling into the abyss of a love blessing.

"I love thee, Lord, but with no love of mine,
For I have none to give;
I love thee, Lord; but all the love is thine,
For by thy love I live.
I am as nothing, and rejoice to be
Emptied, and lost, and swallowed up in thee."