Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wendi's beautiful life

There's a lot that can be said about Wendi Lehman. And a lot was said this past Saturday in Grass Valley as we celebrated all the things we love and appreciate about this woman.

Wendi's laugh. So contagious. So unforgettable. And her passion. For people, for Christ. Some people just live their life in such a way that their solid, firm way of living just speaks. Wendi lived this way.

This past weekend we were all reminded that the passion and principle that lived inside of Wendi is living on well beyond her own life.

I think the most memorable moment for me as we celebrated her life this weekend was the story from the woman in Los Angeles. Wow! So powerful.

My friend Wendi worked tirelessly for the unborn. She was passionate about leading women to other options, even doing things that others might call radical to make a point. And this weekend, as we celebrated her life in Grass Valley with her parents and other friends/family who knew her, her passion was made crystal clear......

Sitting in the church building listening to words about a woman he hardly knew, a young man heard how his mother went to a clinic in Los Angeles and was going to abort him but was greeted by Wendi, who encouraged her to know that God loved her and the child in her womb, that there were options. Through a course of events, the woman kept the child - Wendi threw her a baby shower, loved this woman the best she could. The woman had her son and then years came between them until a few years ago when they reconnected through Facebook. Now, at Wendi's funeral, this woman and her son were there to pay tribute to a woman who God used to changed the course of their lives.

Wendi and I worked together in college campus ministry in Los Angeles. One thing that stands out to me most often is her authenticity and her love for God. She was a very real person, no pretense, no falsehood, and I loved that about Wendi. She was also a prayer warrior. She could pray for things with fervor and I appreciated that about her.

Over the last few years when she found out she was sick with cancer, she made the effort to connect with me since she moved back to Northern Cal and I was in Reno. James got to meet her at Shakespeare on the Lake as we met up with her and Adrea and the following year in Sacramento with another mutual friend, Lara. My final time to see her was in Genoa, Nevada, when she came to visit along with Leo, Pat and Julianne Lawson. A brief reunion in an ice cream shop and we talked about making it to Jeremy's wedding in October. It never happened, as I got busy and her health was still failing.

God, thank you for saving Wendi in High School. Thank you for placing her in my life and for her quiet, subtle but strong witness for you. I rejoice that she is with you today as to be absent from the body is to be in your presence. We will miss her life here on earth but will cherish the gift you gave us in her. Please comfort her family now and speak your words of comfort to them. Wendi, you lived a beautiful life. Thank you for being obedient to your creator, for caring for the things that he cared about. You are a gift, a blessing, a treasure. I celebrate your beautiful life.

1 comment:

  1. This a beautiful tribute Jen. Sorry for your loss in this friend she sounds like an amazing person. Love you.
