Monday, September 14, 2009

Prince of Peace by Akiane

Can you remember what you were doing at 4 years old? What about 9 years old? Well, if you have a difficult time remembering this part of your childhood, what about your teen years? Can you remember when you were 14?

I do! And no doubt like me, most of you were probably far from being a world renowned artist. Themes of heaven and visions of a world unknown to your childish mind were probably not being played out like a movie in the crevices of your brain.....It's doubtful they were they being sketched out on paper with such vivid detail that aspiring artists well into their formative art years would be baffled to grasp.

Akiane was born into an atheist immigrant family here in the U.S. At age 4, she began describing to her mom in vivid detail the dreams that were playing out in her head. Akiane was homeschooled, she had no babysitters, and the family watched no television.

"We were with the kids all the time, and so these words from Akiane about God didn't come from the outside—we knew that. But there suddenly were intense conversations about God's love, His place [in our lives], and she would describe everything in detail."

By the time she was 9, she painted the man who visited her in her dreams and visions - Jesus. The name of the painting she tagged as "Prince of Peace."

Her parents didn't expose her to Christianity and they struggled to make sense of what she saw in her dreams and what she told her parents about. Over time, her parents came to accept the faith of their little girl and trust that the things they originally thought were nightmares were actually life-changing glimpses into the reality of a world they had only begun to embrace and understand.

Some of the paintings Akiane has painted that I find most fascinating are vibrant with color as she captions those paintings with descriptions of a world she's been to in her dreams. She says the colors are brighter than we could ever imagine, colors we have yet to experience. The music? Completely breathtaking. And this Jesus, this Prince of Peace?

I found one quote from her book quite inspiring....

"I was told to pray continually. He showed me where He lived,… I was climbing transparent stairs; underneath I saw gushing waterfalls.....What impressed me most were his gigantic hands—they were full of maps and events.."

Maps and events according to Jesus....Time....Galaxies....Quantum Physics....She paints these things with her brush and yet she's never had a painting lesson in her life. Her father was Russian and atheist, her mother Lithuanian and atheist.

Incredibly inspiring that a young girl would be able to expose the world to an unknown unseen world through the strokes of her brush.......

If you get the chance, I highly recommend a thumb through this book at Barnes and Nobles.

You can also check out some interviews with her on You Tube or visit her website.

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